Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Hair Raising Experience

Cassidy was a 7 year old girl who was sent one night to the garage to get some milk from the fridge out there. This is her story:
      I was a very dark night and Cassidy was afraid of the dark. But her mother told her that there was nothing to be scared of in the garage and insisted she go fetch the milk. timidly Cassidy crept through the laundry room. The warm light was engulfed by the dark as she slowly opened the door that led to the garage. Inch by inch she snuck into the inky blackness. Finally she shut the door behind her and felt for the light switch, but before she could find it she felt something slither around her leg. Cassidy froze. Terror filled her heart. I wont be afraid. she said bravely but as she looked down she could just make out, with the dim light of the lamp post filtering through the widow, two gleaming yellow eyes! Screaming, Cassidy dashed back inside and into the Kitchen. Her mother ran to her shaking child and Martha, her sister scrambled down the stairs, asking what was the matter. Cassidy, wiping her tear filled eyes, rambled as she tried to tell but no one understood her through her crying. Once the little girl was calmed down she was asked to slowly explain about what made her cry. Cassidy told them. A curious look came into mother's eyes as she followed her daughter to the garage door. They cracked the door open. With Cassidy and Martha peeping fearfully over her shoulder, Mother broke out in a fit of laughing. Then, when opening the door widely, they saw that there in light sat their little yellow eyed and grey furred kitten, Samson. The trio Laughed hysterically, even little Cassidy laughed at the silly mistake she had made. Now letting their meowing kitten in, the girls went back to the kitchen and relaxed after that little episode. And this time Mother gently asked Martha to go get the milk.

The End.